Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Welcome Back to the Blog!

So, admittedly its been quite a while since my last post (although I've racked up quite an impressive inventory of drafts), but I'm back, rip roarin' and ready to go!

A Few things you'll be seeing in greater detail in the near future:

  • My reaction to the WSJ article today (2/6/08) mentioning Disney's relatively miserable quarterly results, buoyed by solid results in the Cable & Networks division. While I haven't read through the 10-q, I expect ESPN (and its sub networks) had ALOT to do with it. I still have more research to do, but lets just say I am OFFICIALLY calling for Disney to investigate a carve-out or spin off ESPN from the rest of the Company.
  • A discussion of human nature in corporate environments, namely (mid-level) managers' propensity to act not in the best interests of the company or its shareholders, but in such ways that actually damage those interests. Lets just say I've spent some time 'in the trenches' this past year, and its given me the opportunity to see dysfunction the likes of which I had previously thought impossible. I will also seek to discuss methods of dealing with this.
  • Many of my reactions to the undulations of the Equity and Credit markets, and the Economy in general, with special focus on the underlying causes of our current predicament.
  • Various investing strategies , some relatively original, others not so much.
  • Aaaaand, last but certainly not least, my reaction to news, events, and the writings and rantings of others (especially so-called "experts").
So, I look forward to hearing from you, engaging in (semi) intelligent debate, and of course, bringing you new and unique perspectives in Business, Technology, and Innovation!


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